Week 4: HTML/CSS

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title page


This week, the AcadeCoders learn the wonderful coding language of HTML/CSS! HTML/CSS is the standard markup language used to create web pages. It is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>). HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and</h1>, although some represent empty elements and so are unpaired for example, <img>.


Day 1 (July 20th, 2015)

In the morning, the campers were given a tour of Academie de la Capitale and given all camp rules in respect to the camp and computer use. Following the camp introductory tour, they began with Jiu Jitsu with instructor Phil from K2 Martial Arts!



jump3 jump4

In the first half of the morning, the AcadeCoders began learning the introductory aspects of HTML. The AcadeCoders completed various assignments and challenges such as HTML basics, Challenge: Write a Poem, and HTML: Text Emphasis.

mor1 html bssics

poem challenge mor2

mor3  texrt emphasis

In the second half of the morning, the AcadeCoders continued with the basics to HTML tags and syntax by completing Challenge: You can learn text tags, HTML: Lists, and Challenge: Your Learning List.

mor4 text tags

learning lists mor5

mor6 images

After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison Park for a beautiful and sunny day of outdoor activities! The AcadeCoders spent time playing the play structure, swinging, basketball, touch football, and just general socialization!

out1 out2

out3 out4

out5 out6

out7 out8

In the afternoon after outdoor activity and snack, the AcadeCoders were back to learning more HTML/CSS! The AcadeCoders finished the basics of HTML tags and syntax and began moving onto CSS tags and syntax. The AcadeCoders completed Challenge: A picture-perfect trip!, CSS Basics, Challenge: Colorful Creature, CSS: Selecting by id, Challenge: Seasonal ids, and CSS: Selecting by class.

a1 Apictureperfect

colorful creature a2

a3 intro to css

Seasonal ids a4

a5 selecting by cids

selecting by class a6

Day 2 (July 21st, 2015)

Day 2 of HTML/CSS for the AcadeCoders! The AcadeCoders began the first part of their morning continuing with the introductory challenges for CSS and transition into learning more HTML tags to expand their web design abilities. The AcadeCoders completed Quiz: Simple CSS selectors, Project: Travel Page, and HTML links.

m1 oranges and bananas

quiz  m2

m3  travel webpage

After the snack break, the AcadeCoders continued  their HTML tags challenges by completing Challenge: Links you love, and HTML internal links.

m4 HTML links

Internal Links m5

m6 Links I love

After a wholesome lunch and outdoor activities full of various sports and activities on this sunny Tuesday afternoon, the AcadeCoders came back for some more HTML/CSS! The AcadeCoders continued on more HTML tags and eventually transitioned to CSS text proporties.

The AcadeCoders completed Challenge: Jump Around, HTML Tables, Challenge: The dinner table, HTML comments, Project: Recipe Book, and CSS font-family property.

a1 HTML Commenta

HTML Tables a2

a3 jump aroun

Dinner Table a4

a5 Font family

recipe book a6

Day 3 (July 22nd, 2015)

The AcadeCoders have reached half way through the week of HTML/CSS! The AcadeCoders began the first half of the morning by continuing CSS text properties by completing Challenge: fancy font families, CSS font-size property, and Challenge: Great big font sizes.

s1 fancy fonts

font size property s2


Great big font size

After snack, the AcadeCoders spent the second half of the morning continuing on CSS text properties. TheAcadeCoders completed CSS font styles and shorthand, Challenge: Famous font formats, and More CSS text properties.

r1 Shorthand

Famous font  s6

s4  More CSS Text Properties

After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison Park for another lovely day of outdoor activities! The AcadeCoders continued to play on the play structure, swing on the swings, basketball, and just general socialization!

out1 out7

out6  out3

out2  out5

After outdoor activities and snack break, the AcadeCoders were back at HTML/CSS by finishing up the CSS text properties and starting CSS layouts. The AcadeCoders completed Quiz: Text Properties, CSS inheritance, Project: Blog, CSS grouping elements, Challenge: Group the Groupers, and CSS height, width, and flow.

r1 quiz text prop

CSS inher  r2

r3 Blog

groupers  r4

r5          CSS group elements


Day 4 (July 23rd, 2015)

On the fourth day, the AcadeCoders began their day continuing the section ‘CSS layout’. In this section, the AcadeCoders completed ‘The overflowing ocean’, CSS box model, and Challenge: The Boxer Model.

thurmor1 1Ocean


2boxmodel thurmor2





thurmor3   3theboxermodel



In the second half of the morning, the AcadeCoders continued their work on CSS layouts by completing CSS position, Challenge: Position planet, and CSS in the wild: Google Maps.

thurmor4 4CSSposiiton


5possitionplanet thurmor5





thurmor6 6GoogleMaps


After lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison park for another beautiful day of outdoor activities! The AcadeCoders have been lucky with week with amazing weather and are taking advantage of it by playing on the play structure, swinging on the swings, playing tag, and basketball!

outhurs8 outthurs1

outthurs2 outthurs3

outthurs4 outthurs5

outthurs6 outthurs7


In the afternoon after outdoor activities and snack break, the AcadeCoders took to completing CSS layout and begin working on more CSS selectors. The AcadeCoders completed CSS floating elements, Challenge: Floating Clouds, Quiz: CSS layout, Project: Event invite, using multiple CSS classes, and Challenge: A classy gallery.

thuraft1 1floatingelements


2clouds thuraft2





thuraft3 3quizcsslayout


4invite thuraft5






thuraft6 5multipleCSSselectors


6classygallery  thurmor5






Day 5 (July 24th, 2015)

Last day of HTML/CSS for the AcadeCoders! The AcadeCoders began the first half the morning continuing the more CSS selectors section by completing combining CSS class and element selectors, Challenge: Classes of Elements, and CSS descendants of Khan.

frimor1 1combiningcss

2classesofelements frimor2

frimor3 3decselectors

For the second half of the morning, the AcadeCoders continued on the more CSS selectors selection and completed grouping CSS selectors, CSS dynamic pseudo-classes, and Challenge: grouped animals.

3groupingcssselcts 5dyanmiccss 6animals

After lunch, the AcadeCoders took to their last day at Morrison Park! We were fortunate enough with sunny and beautiful weather once again and took advantage by playing basketball, playing on the structure, various classic playground games, and general socialization.

outfri1 outfri2

outfri3 outfri4

outfri5 outfri6

outfri7 outfri8

After outdoor activities and the afternoon snack break, the AcadeCoders took to their last afternoon of HTML/CSS. The AcadeCoders completed more CSS selectors and took to the ‘further learning’ section to review all they have learned and understand the real world applications of HTML/CSS. The AcadeCoders completed CSS specificity, Quiz: CSS specificity, HTML validation, and Quiz: Validate this HTML.

friaft1 1ocean

2quiz  friaft3

friaft4  3htmlval











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