Week 5 (July 27th- July 31st, 2015): MinecraftEDU Viking Theme

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Day 1 (July 27th, 2015)


The basis of this week’s theme is to introduce campers to Viking themes and challenges. The campers are being split into two teams where they will face various challenges and games to build the best possible Viking Empire before they raid each other!

After the campers were introduced to Academie de la Capitale’s AcadeCoders program and went through a jiu-jitsu session with instructor Phil of K2 Martial Art, the campers began to log into MinecraftEDU and craft their empires. The morning challenge for campers was to work as a team and start outlining how they want to build their empires and create a base.

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After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison Park for a beautiful and sunny day of outdoor activities. The AcadeCoders enjoyed spending time on the play structure, swinging on the swings, basketball, classic playground games, and general socialization!

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After outdoor activities and snack break, the AcadeCoders came back in to start building their empire. Each team finished planning and began to build their structures and castles. Several of the AcadeCoders used different methods and designs, from creating large bordering walls and towers, to beacons to help organize a base for each team member.

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Day 2 (July 28th, 2015)

Day 2 of MinecraftEDU: ‘Viking Theme’ for the AcadeCoders! The AcadeCoders began the first part of the morning finishing up any organizational plans for their empire and finish up building the general structure for each empire.

After their snack break, the AcadeCoders began building their empire’s kingdom by creating large borders and designing detailed structures to help protect their designated land!


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After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison Park for a hot and sunny day! Outdoor play and activities was limited due to it reaching thirty-three degrees with the humidity, but the AcadeCoders managed to still have fun in the sun! They played various games on the playground, socializing in the gazebo, swinging on the swings, and relaxing!

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After a wholesome lunch and a well-rested snack break, the AcadeCoders were excited to go back to MinecraftEDU to continue working on their empires! The AcadeCorders spent their afternoon finishing up their castles and general structures in preparation of the raid while designating earls of each piece of land and creating individual houses.

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Day 3 (July 29th, 2015)

Day three of MinecraftEDU:’Viking Theme’! The AcadeCoders have worked very hard on their empires thus far, but before they continue building, instructor Phil from K2 Martial Arts came in for another jiu-jitsu session! Phil taught the AcadeCoders various jiu-jitsu techniques while creating an array of team building games!


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After jiu-jitsu, the AcadeCoders spent the rest of the morning developing the level of protection for their empires in regards to structures and tunnels while adding various houses and structures for each piece of feudal land. The AcadeCoders have done a great job organizing themselves as ‘Earls’ or ‘feudal lords’ in dividing the land and collectively building their empire.

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Due to the heat warning and thirty-eight-degree weather, it was decided that the AcadeCoders would not go outside out of the safety and care for the campers. In substitution of outdoor activities, the AcadeCoders would watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. 


After the movie and snack break, the AcadeCoders continued to finalize the creation and development of their empires. In this afternoon session, the AcadeCoders worked to finish up their empires in preparation of Friday’s raid as the following days will encounter challenges in relation to building their army, ship building, and armor.

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Day 4 (July 30th, 2015)

The Fourth day of MinecraftEDU: ‘Viking Theme’! The AcadeCoders spent the morning finishing up their kingdoms in preparation of the raid on Friday! This gave the AcadeCoders a chance to finalize any aspects of their structures from security measures to expanding the land that is given to them. The AcadeCoders have designed some impressive work and it is exciting to see how it will all withstand on the day the raid.

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After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison Park for another lovely day of outdoor activities. We were fortunate enough that the weather was not as hot as the previous day (forty degrees with the  humidity), giving the AcadeCoders time to enjoy playing on the play structure, swing on swings, basketball, and just socializing!

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After outdoor activities and a snack break, the AcadeCoders spent the rest of the afternoon dividing their borders by water and building Viking ships. In the time of the Vikings, ships were predominately used for transportation for raids and were used as a basis of how the Vikings would strategize their attacks. It is key for the AcadeCoders to design a protective and efficient ship.

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Day 5 (July 31st, 2015)

Last day of MinecraftEDU: ‘Viking Theme’! The AcadeCoders spent the entire morning preparing for the final raid in the afternoon. They all worked on finalizing structures, making sure all sides of their walls were protected, building their army, and overall strategic movements.

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After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders went to Morrison Park for another lovely day of outdoor activities! The AcadeCoders spent time playing on the play structure, basketball, swinging on the swings, and just socializing among their fellow AcadeCoders.

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After outdoor activities and a snack break with some ice-cream to cool off, the AcadeCoders were ready for the raid! Each AcadeCoder took to their side, prepped with all their armor, and ready for the battle! The AcadeCoders had some friendly competition with the raid, got to look how their impressive structures withstand all the fire and TNT while enjoying the beauty MinecraftEDU has to offer!

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