Happy Kwanzaa from Acadecap
Heri Za Kwanzaa! We wish all students, parents and our community a Happy Kwanzaa celebration! We hope you all have a happy and safe harvest...More
1133 0Heri Za Kwanzaa! We wish all students, parents and our community a Happy Kwanzaa celebration! We hope you all have a happy and safe harvest...More
AcadeCap 1133 0We wish everyone a joyful Humanlight celebration during the holiday season! We join you in celebrating humanity, reason and hope! Cheers, to celebrating the life...More
AcadeCap 756 0All of our students, from JK to Grade 12, have been busy planning and practicing to create a merry celebration for parents to enjoy! As...More
AcadeCap 768 0On Tuesday, November 30th, 2021, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, Académie de la Capitale is hosting the annual PSSP/OSSD Curriculum night. This is an opportunity...More
AcadeCap 700 0We wish all students, parents and our community a Happy Chanukah celebration! We look forward to celebrating the festival of lights and feast of dedication...More
AcadeCap 696 0AcadeCap would like to thank all of the men and women who serve Canada and to our friends who serve in our global community. We...More
AcadeCap 693 0We wish all students, parents and our community a Happy Diwali celebration! We look forward to celebrating the festival of lights with our community at...More
AcadeCap 724 0AcadeCap is proud to be participating in this year’s Terry Fox event. We aim to raise $1,000 in support of the Terry Fox Foundation. The...More
AcadeCap 779 0Acadecap has registered the school to The Student Vote program. This project provides our students with an opportunity to experience the democratic process firsthand, and...More
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