PYP Science Fair
Eager and enthusiastic voices were heard as the PYP iSTEAM Fair got underway yesterday afternoon. Smart work, innovative ideas, and application of the scientific method...More
434 0Eager and enthusiastic voices were heard as the PYP iSTEAM Fair got underway yesterday afternoon. Smart work, innovative ideas, and application of the scientific method...More
Christine Chapman 434 0It was a day of anticipation and excitement as students engaged in various Solar Eclipse activities throughout the day, starting with a morning special assembly...More
Christine Chapman 456 0The AcadeCap Career Fair on May 24th provided an excellent opportunity for students in Grades 5 through 12 to practice their interviewing and networking skills...More
Christine Chapman 1375 0This Term, a civic action project has been underway, with the Civics students engaging the whole school in a recycling incentive pilot programme to reduce...More
Christine Chapman 541 0The Grade 5/6 students are preparing TED style talks to accompany their PYP EXPO projects. The students are currently working through a process of brainstorming,...More
Christine Chapman 559 0For Earth Day, students made their own paper from recycled scraps of paper. Students enjoyed the paper making process, which was wet and messy but...More
Christine Chapman 501 0AcadeCap City’s first City Council Meeting occurred on November 8th. The meeting opened with a land acknowledgement led by our AcadeCap City Co-Mayors, followed by...More
Christine Chapman 498 0In our outdoor class, students learned the history of Thanksgiving in Canada and why this day became an annual national holiday. Students also made turkeys’...More
Christine Chapman 544 0Students from JK/SK learned about Pablo Picasso’s life, art style, paintings and why is he famous. They drew a Frankenstein picture using Picasso’s style. Source::...More
Christine Chapman 598 0