Sprouts Game
A neat pencil and paper math game, popularized by Martin Gardiner:Sprouts Source:: Mme Sarah’s Blog...More
2017 0A neat pencil and paper math game, popularized by Martin Gardiner:Sprouts Source:: Mme Sarah’s Blog...More
Sarah Sumner 2017 0Did you know that it has been mathematically proven that any shape with straight sides can be cut with one cut, if the paper is...More
Sarah Sumner 1619 0Some inspirational videos:Mark Rober on the Egg Drop ChallengeTwo Basic Ideas – Science Adventures Egg Drop Project Incredible Science Top 10 Egg Drop Challenges Spangler...More
Sarah Sumner 1520 0Now, what do you think of this?McGill University post – watering plants with microwaved water Source:: Mme Sarah’s Blog...More
Sarah Sumner 1628 0What do you think of this?Watering plants with microwaved waterTo be continued… Look for another post. Source:: Mme Sarah’s Blog...More
Sarah Sumner 1595 0YouTube video instructions – Step 1 Source:: Mme Sarah’s Blog...More
Sarah Sumner 1744 0Here are two Scratch programs that use the arrow keys:Chaser GameObstacle Course Source:: Mme Sarah’s Blog...More
Sarah Sumner 1571 0Here are some interesting links about geodes:Geodes – Wikipedia Geology.com – all about geodes How Geodes are formed – Youtube videoCracking Open a Geode –...More
Sarah Sumner 3101 0Keeping our drinking water clean is important! Here’s a short video that talks about what is being done in Ontario:Drinking Water Protection Source:: Mme Sarah’s...More
Sarah Sumner 1488 0On the next Caribou Contest, there will be a question about Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician for whom Pascal’s Triangle is named. Pascal was not...More
Sarah Sumner 1454 0