Dear AcadeCap/KIDZ Parents, Team and Students,
I hope that your loved ones are healthy and safe at home, wherever in the world they live.
To keep everyone in the loop, AcadeKIDZ closed as of Tuesday, March 17, 2020, until Friday, April 3, inclusively. AcadeCap International School closed on Thursday afternoon, March 12, 2020, and will remain closed until Friday, April 3, inclusively, as well. The animals will be taken care of by our administrative staff. The facility is closed.
As a long stay-at-home scenario was likely, AcadeCap teachers had begun setting up and planning tele-learning the week before March Break using PADLET, Google Classroom and Google Meet. Younger students, Grade 3 and up were shown how to use these applications. Older students went through a practice run with their teachers and Mr. Bruno.
AcadeCap teachers are on March Break this week; they will be working, next week, on enhancing home-to-home tele-learning opportunities available, to keep teaching your child.
Nora Ibrahim is heading the development of the AcadeKIDZ PADLET. Shannon, Tabatha, Wilma, and Nicole are setting up their programmes via this application. Access to the AcadeKIDZ PADLET application will enable parents to implement your child’s schedule and have multiple indoor-outdoor learning activities available to you on a weekly basis.
On Friday, March 27, 2020, we will share with you, AcadeKIDZ and Cap parents, the instructions on how to use and access the PADLET, Google classroom and Google meet. The tele-learning is scheduled to begin, Monday, March 30, 2020. Attendance and hours will be monitored.
Please note that we have considered that members of the community’s health may be affected directly and/or seriously by COVID-19; we will respond to each learning need and situation, as best as we can, and support each other. Therefore, to all, it is vital for us to be kept apprised of any changes in the status of any member’s health, whether child, educator, parent or administrator. is monitored.
At this time, I know that we all need to take in what is happening in the immediate, in our community, our country and around the world; to calm down and reassure our children; as well as to do everything that we are asked to do by the federal, provincial and municipal public health authorities, to “flatten the curve.”…/he…/coronavirus-surface-study-1.5501296
Please stay home, it’s critical! Encourage others to do the same. Encourage travellers to be responsible world citizens and to self-isolate, wherever they go in the world, or wherever they come from when arriving in Canada.
With regards,
Lucie Lalonde
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