Week 3 (July 13th-17th, 2015): JavaScript

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Intro to JS

This week, the AcadeCoders learn the wonderful coding language of JavaScript! JavaScript is a dynamic programming language. It is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user control the browser, communicate asynchronously,  and alter the document content that is displayed.


Day 1 (July 13th, 2015)

In the morning, the campers were given a tour of Academie de la Capitale and given all camp rules in respect to the camp and computer use. Following the camp introductory tour, they began with Jiu Jitsu with instructor Scott from K2 Martial Arts!



K21 K22

K23 K24


After Jiu Jitsu, the campers began the first half of the morning  learning the introductory concepts of JavaScript, such as introduction to drawing, challenge: H for Hopper, challenge: Simple Shapes, and Challenge: Crazy Face.

After snack, the campers went back to coding for the second half of the morning. This is where campers learned introduction to colouring, challenge: Ice Cream Code, and Challenge: It’s a Beautiful Day.

morning 1 


 Morning 3


Morning 4  






After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison park to enjoy the sunny and warm weather! They played various games on the play structure, soccer, touch football, swinging, and overall socialization among all campers.

park1 Park2

Park3 Park4


After outdoor activities and snack, the AcadeCoders were back at JavaScript! The campers spent the rest of the afternoon working on colouring, variables, and animations! Campers would take on challenges and assignments ‘The power of Docs’, project: what’s for dinner?, intro to variables, quiz: variables, Challenge: Bucktooth Bunny, More on Variables, Challenge: Funky Frog, Review: Variables, Intro to Animation, and Challenge: Exploding Sun.

afternoon 1 din dinbunny  Afternoon 3


Afternoon 2                                             sun





Day 2 (July 14th, 2015)

The AcadeCoders began their second day with the first half of the morning working on Animation basics and challenges! They learn mouse interaction,  Challenge: Tasty Tomato, Challenge: Mouse Movement Mania, Incrementing Shortcuts, A Shorter Shortcut, Challenge: Parting Clouds, and Project: Shooting Star.

Morn1 apples

mouse interaction Morn6

Morn2 Shooting star

In the second half of the morning, the AcadeCoders worked resizing with variables/texts and strings & challenges. They learned and completed learn Variable Expressions, Quiz: Variable Expressions, Challenge: Brown Bear Eyes, Using Math Expressions, Project: Animal Attack, Terrific Text: Part One, and Challenge: My Favourite Foods.

Morn5 Quiz

Jenna Morn4

Morn3 brown bear

After a wholesome lunch, the campers took to Morrison Park for another wonderful day of outdoor activities! Campers took to play on the play structure, swinging, basketball, soccer, and socialize among their fellow coders!

out1 out2

out3 out4

In the afternoon following  after outdoor activities and snack, the AcadeCoders were back learning new aspects of JavaScript! The AcadeCoders worked on test and strings/functions & challenges. In this session, the campers would learn Terrific Text: Part Two, Challenge: Mouse Tracker, Review: Text and Strings, Project: Ad Design, Functions, Challenge: Say Your Name, and Function Parameters.

aft3 bottle

Functions aft1

aft2 name game

Day 3 (July 15th, 2015

The AcadeCoders began their third day with the first portion of the morning learning about functions and completing various challenges! Campers completed Challenge: Moles in Holes, Function Return Values, Challenge: Calculator, Special Processing JS Functions, Local and Global Variables, Review: Functions, and Project: Fish Tank.


 fishy m2

m3 Capture

After snack, the campers took to another great session of jiu-jitsu from instructor Phil of K2 Martial Arts! In this session, campers were taught various self-defence moves from jabs, punches, kicks, and break falls.



In the second half of the morning, campers moved on to Logic, If Statements, and completed various challenges that complemented the new aspects of JavaScript being taught. Camper would learn If Statements, complete the Challenge: bouncy Ball, More Mouse Interaction, Challenge: Your First Painting App, Booleans, Challenge: Number Analyzer, and Logical Operators.


bouncy ball m5

m6Logical operators

After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison Park for another beautiful day of outdoor activities! The campers enjoyed the perfect sunny, 22 degree weather, with some basketball, soccer, swinging, and playing various games on the play structure.



After outdoor activities and a snack break, the AcadeCoders were back at logic and if statements, furthering their knowledge in this section with various assignment and challenges. The AcadeCoders completed Challenge: Your First Button, Challenge: Smarter Button, If/Else Part 1, Challenge: Flashy Flash Card, If/Else Part 2, Review: Logic and If Statements, and Project: Magic 8-Ball.

af1 button

Flash cards af3

af2 Magic 8 ball

Day 4 (July 16th, 2015)

On the fourth day, the AcadeCoders began the first half of the morning learning about looping and then applying their given knowledge with various assignments and challenges! The AcadeCoders completed intro to While Loops, Quiz: While Loops, Challenge: A Loopy Ruler, While Loops: Balloon Hopper, Challenge: A Loopy Landscape, a new kind of loop, and Challenge: Lined Paper.

 min1 quiz loops


loopy landscape

In the second half of the morning, the AcadeCoders moved on to looping and arrays, taking the aspects of looping that they have learned and applying it to arrays. The AcadeCoders would then complete Nested for Loops, Review: Looping, Project: Build-a-House, Intro to Arrays, Challenge: Favourite Fruits, Looping through Arrays, and Challenge: Favourite Animals.

looping through arrays house

fav fruits fav animals

After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison Park for another sunny and beautiful day of outdoor activities. They played various games on the play structure such as manhunt and sandman while taking to the field for soccer and tag; with the additional good game of basketball.

af6 af5


af1 af3

After outdoor activities and snack break, the AcadeCoders were back for the rest of the afternoon learning about the continuation of arrays in relation to objects. This is where campers take what they have been taught in arrays and translate it into objects by completing assignments and challenges. The AcadeCoders completed Modifying Arrays, Challenge: Constellation Maker, Review: Arrays, Project: Make it Rain, Intro to Objects, Challenge: Recipe Card, and Modifying Objects.

min4 star maker

make it rain min3

min5 Recipe card

Day 5 (July 17th, 2015)

Last day of Javacript! The AcadeCoders have been a great and hardworking group this week, always being attentive and asking good question; which clearly reflect their successful passage through learning the wonderful coding language of JavaScript.

In the first half of the morning, the AcadeCoders began learning objects in relation to object-oriented design, enhancing their animation and design abilities. They completed  Challenge: Picture Painter, Array of Objects, Challenge: Movie Reviews, Review: Objects, Project: Bookshelf, Object Types, and Challenge: Double Rainbow.

m1 Movie reviews

Picture painter m2

m5 double rainbow

bookshelf m4

In the second half of the morning, the AcadeCoders transitioned to more various challenges and assignments that involved their object-oriented design abilities.

m3 object methods

smiley facem6

m8 inheretiance

flower grower m7

After a wholesome lunch, the AcadeCoders took to Morrison Park for another wonderful time of outdoor activities! Despite the cloudy and cooler weather, the campers had a great time on the swings, playing on the play structure, basketball, and overall socialization!

After outdoor activities and snack break, the AcadeCoders spent the rest of the afternoon learning how how to become a better programmmer and wrapping up all they been taught in a review! In this review, the AcadeCoders are taught all the essential steps in how they would go about building their own projects using JavaScript.

plan 1

plan 2 


extra 2

plan 7

group pic

About The Author

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