AcadeCap Safe Return in September 2021

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Once again due to the on-going pandemic, the AcadeCap Summer Team prepared for a safe return September, 2021. We continue to put in place numerous procedures and practices to ensure that students and team members are safe during their learning at school.  Consequently, what can students and parents expect?

Each morning, AcadeCap parents enter information into a screening tool at least 30 minutes before arriving. Parent and student information will be verified before entering the school. Until further notice, one JK to Grade 4 parent will be allowed, as they drop off their child, to access the cloakroom level.  Grade 5 and 6 students can enter by themselves, to access the first level floor cloakroom. Grade 5 and 6 parents are not allowed to enter the facilities. All students must enter and place their belongings in the cloakroom with expedience. Then, they will head upstairs to their homeroom until the beginning of the school day. 

Grade 7 and 8 PSSP students and OSSD students enter The Hive using one door and leave by another. Parents do not access The Hive on the second floor.

On the first floor, the iSTEAM lab and art room tables have been spaced out to promote 2 metres personal distancing. Students will find themselves sitting in the lab each at their own table. The students’ personal cubbies in the cloakroom will be spaced further apart to avoid having personal belongings touched. Access to cubbies will only be permitted with their homeroom class and teacher to avoid mixing of cohorts. On the floors, students will notice tape and decals indicating the direction to walk, and reminders to keep distanced from others. 

On the second floor, classrooms are expanded to allow for personal distancing between the desks and tables that are equipped with protective screens. The library has moved to the middle space to create a one-way path that students follow when travelling around the school.

Now dubbed “The Hive,” students from Grades 7 to 12 find their work space socially distanced, fitted with shields. Students are separated into the two rooms by grade, meaning 7/8 in one space, and 9/10/11/12 in the other. Their storage bins are also located in this space.

Throughout the school, we have maximized the outside air intake for maximum circulation.  There are HEPA filters and CO2 monitors in the classes. We have access to two outdoor classrooms that we set up according to the learning requirement of the day.  The gym has been sectioned off to allow for children to use the space, however we are encouraging Physical Education classes to be outside as much as possible. 

JK-SK students wear masks that fit well and cover their nose and mouth completely. Grade 1 to grade 12 students and every team member wear ASTM level 2,3 or N95 masks or a combination of mask and face shield when moving about the school, at recess or in any location where they cannot distance from each other. Students are also asked to bring a face shield to school to wear at their desks in order to give them a break from wearing a mask throughout the day. We have hand sanitizing stations, and continue with the increased frequency of hand washing.  AcadeCap Staff is vaccinated. 

— Académie de la Capitale Team

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