Tele-learning at Acadecap and AcadeKIDZ

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Dear Parents, Students, and Teachers,

Tele-Learning at Acadecap International School and AcadeKIDZ started on Monday, March 30, 2020,  at 9 am.


The educators have chosen to use Padlet, Google Classroom and Meet as the online platforms. According to the group’s age, they may have chosen to use only one platform, or a combination of platforms. Teachers remain reachable by emails for questions at any time during instructional hours.

Schedules and Learning Activities According to Age Groups

We are quite aware that parents have schedules of their own when working from home and that it will take time for everyone to get into the routine of children learning online. Though teachers have practiced and enacted

various scenarios to preemptively troubleshoot glitches; these are still to be expected and will require time and patience to be worked out as they occur. We have learned that Internet speed and bandwidth can be an issue.

Schedules proposed are flexible, especially for AcadeKIDZ’s and in Grade 1/2. To allow for flexibility, there are choices of activities proposed to meet specific learning expectations.

In the IB PYP, from Grade 3 onward, homeroom and specialist-teachers will follow the current class schedule. Most of the learning activities on Padlet. In addition, there will be Google Classroom and Meet video exchanges as well as the use of email to communicate. Your child has been taught how to access these platforms and instructions will be provided in the teacher emails.

From Grade 7 and up, the preferred platform is Google Classroom and Meet. Students are familiar with this platform. Students will follow their current class schedule. Attendance will be taken and participation will be noted to become part of their term grade.

PS: Caribou Math is ON

Kindly refer to the email sent out yesterday by Shannon Neill.

Kudos to AcadeKIDZ/CAP Educators

AcadeKIDZ and CAP educators are tried-and-true risk takers, moving forward so quickly to design and adopt a new way of teaching their students. They are such avid learners themselves as will be demonstrated by the online approaches they have developed, so that your child can continue to learn at home. The content is theirs; they have pulled together and shared resources willingly and actively. Former colleagues and friends in other parts of the world shared their preferred apps, online publishers, virtual museums and more. All specialists, even Sensei Mike from K2 and Mme Marlene, new music teacher to our school, have given it a whirl too and will have a presence online.

I am very proud of every member of the team, administrators to teaching staff, for the AcadeKIDZ/Cap Telelearning they have so capably developed, together, in such a short time. This is a remarkable accomplishment with more to come, as online learning platforms exponentially evolve.

Educators will be available to answer questions, as best they can.  Please remember that they may be teaching at the time you send an email, so do expect a delay in response.  There is no right or wrong way to engage online; we are all learning!

– Lucie Lalonde

About The Author

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