Charging into the Middle Ages

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For their unit on Eras, the Grade 5-6 students have been exploring the Middle Ages. Divided into three overarching periods, Early, High and Late Middle Ages, the students learned about what events, people and other elements characterized each period. Beginning with the Early Middle Ages, they actively discussed why this period was also named the Dark Ages. They attributed it to the fall of the Roman Empire, the “Barbarian” invasions, Attila the Hun, and the overall loss of scientific, artistic and cultural knowledge and advancement.

Do you know how Attila the Hun, “The Scourge of Rome”, died? Go to the bottom of the post to find out! Each student selected a “Barbarian” group to research and create an informative mindmap poster to display. Leave a comment to share any cool facts. ​ Picture The “Barbarian” invasions contributed to the loss of power of the monarchs and the establishment of a new political and social structure in Europe known as Feudalism. Both enabled to the construction and abundance of Fort Castles during the Early Middle Ages.

The intricacy of the castles was learned as the students had to build an authentic model and label each section correctly in French. ​What better way to learn about castles than to build one! Picture Picture How did Attila the Hun die? Answer: A nosebleed on his wedding night.

Source:: GRADE 3 & 4 Blog

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